Your health starts in your home. If you want to get and stay healthy, start in your kitchen.
—Beth Greer, bestselling author of Super Natural Home.
During my Healthy Home Assessments, my clients and I go room-by-room to identify potential sources of toxins and how to reduce or eliminate them. One of the first rooms we start with is the kitchen.
Reducing our exposure to toxins in what we put IN us—the foods we eat, the water and drinks we consume and the containers we use—is a powerful step towards improving and maintaining our health. The good news is, the changes are often simple, cost-effective and they don’t take much time. You just need to know what to do.
In this article, “Five Things to Avoid in Your Kitchen”” for Creations Magazine (April/May 2018 edition), I lay out practical steps you can take to avoid the major sources of toxins lurking in your kitchen and how to make better choices.
These simple recommendations also answer some of my frequently-asked questions such as:
How do you know which foods tend to have the most toxins?
How important is it to eat organic?
What if I don’t have access to organic foods? How can I find out which fruits and vegetables tend to be grown with the most pesticides so I can avoid them?
Which is better for you: Tap water or bottled water?
Should I be concerned about food additives and if so, how can I avoid them?
After reading the article, what one step you would like to take to be more toxin-free in your kitchen?
*Healthy Home Assessments can be done in-person (if local) or via Skype. Learn More.