Below are products I use and recommend to reduce your exposure to EMF (electromagnetic fields) radiation inside and outside of your home.
EMFs are produced by all kinds of devices, from cellphones and computers to wi-fi; our appliances, such as refrigerators, fans and microwaves; dirty electricity from the wiring in our walls and anything that uses electricity, even power lines. These products will help you safely and easily reduce your exposure to EMFs.
(Please note that some links to these products I recommend enable me to earn an affiliate commission for purchases you make, at no additional coast to you, which helps support this site.)
EMF Reduction Products

To protect yourself while you sleep, turn off your wi-fi router at night. This is the most important time to reduce EMFs so your body can rest and repair. To make it easy to remember, use this Century 24 Hour Plug-in Mechanical Timer Grounded, Accurate Heavy Duty
Wired Internet (Ethernet) Cables and Adapters
Switch to using wired internet (“ethernet”) by using shielded ethernet cables (with metal ends), together with grounded ethernet adaptors, to connect your computers to your ethernet router. Then manually shut off wi-fi and Bluetooth on your computers.
Actiontec Bonded MoCA 2.0 Ethernet to Coax Adapter, 2 Pack

EMF Radiation Protectors
Two of the most common questions I get are:
1. How can I block signals coming from my Smart Meter and
2. How can I reduce the electromagnetic radiation in my home?
Here are products I highly recommend:
DefenderPad Laptop EMF Radiation Protection and Heat Shield

Whether you are working on your laptop at your desk or in your lap, using The DefenderPad blocks up to 100% of laptop EMF radiation (RF & ELF) while also greatly reducing heat!
TriField EMF Meter Model TF2

The TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 is an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field meter, and radio power density meter in a single unit, that combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). If you’re looking for a quality EMF meter, that is simple to use and provides all the information you could ever need, the Trifield TF2 is my top recommendation.
Easy to use:
- Just turn the knob to the type of field to be measured
- Detects all three types of EMF pollution: AC magnetic, AC electric, and RF/microwave
- Large LCD for crystal clear, accurate readings with adjustable backlight
- Peak Hold captures fast pulses, for measuring fast digital signals
- Sensitive RF mode for measuring mobile phones and Wi-Fi EMF
- AC magnetic measurements are 3-axis, allowing for quick readings, regardless of meter orientation
- Unique feature– does both standard AC readings and weighted (emphasizes high frequencies)

Energydots are the most cutting edge technology I’ve found to help harmonize the effects of cell phones and EMFs on the body. They are self-adhesive ‘dots’ that have been programmed to harmonize the effects of man-made or non-optimum electrical emissions that surround us in our ‘wireless’ world. This is done by a process known as the ‘principal of entrainment.’ They are ultra slim and can be stuck to any non-porous surface, such as your devices, or the backs of your watch or jewelry, making them extremely versatile and user friendly.
Personally, I use the SmartDOT for my devices and I wear the Encoded Pendant (which contains a BioDOT). If you’d like to start simply, I’d go with the Starter Pack 1: the SmartDOT and the BioDOT combination pack.

Smart Meter Guard
Smart Meter Guard Hero
The Smart Meter Guard Hero safely blocks over 98% of the EMF, radio frequency, radiation emitting from smart meters. It also blocks the EMF waves that go into the house so it doesn’t require any additional shielding on the other side of the wall from the smart meter. By using the Faraday cage technology, EMF waves emitting from your smart meter are absorbed into the mesh and shunted to ground. No assembly is required.
Smart Meter Guard’s Router Guards
The Router Guard blocks and shields you from the EMF, electromagnetic field, your WiFi emits 24 hours a day. It is a custom Faraday cage that blocks over 95% of the EMF emitting from the WiFi routers. It’s easy to install and there’s no assembly required.
Greenwave Filters and Meter

Greenwave meters and filters measure and reduce the dirty electricity present on electrical wiring in homes, schools, businesses, and other settings. Dirty electricity can interfere with the proper functioning of sensitive equipment and appliances, and has been associated with a wide range of health problems from cancer, asthma, headaches and brain fog to sleep issues, fatigue, skin rashes, joint and muscle pain, depression, and more. The less dirty electricity there is on your wiring, the less that will radiate into your environment.