This Wednesday, June 3rd 2-3 p.m. EST, is the launch of The Super Natural Mom Radio show on Progressive Radio Network, a commercial free and listener supported internet radio station. My new weekly show focuses on healthy, green lifestyles for families and shining the light of truth about what goes in us, on us and surrounds us daily.
Each week I will help educate listeners by talking about the latest environmental/health news, and offering tips and practical solutions for making the safest, healthiest choices. I will also interview acclaimed experts who offer insights on living a safer, less toxic and more natural life. This show helps empower people to change the way they live now and for future generations.
Topics include:
– keeping your kids healthy
– natural pet care
– green vacations/eco-tourism
– natural beauty/safe cosmetics
– organic food and wine
– biodynamic farming
– feng shui
– alternative medicine
– homeopathy
– green remodeling
– non-toxic home decor
– cell phone safety/EMFs
– chemical sensitivity syndrome
– childhood asthma, ADD, etc.
– naturally clean home
– health and our environment
– living free from allergies
– holistic lifestyle
Progressive Radio Network is “a thinking persons network” for progressive visionaries and great thinkers to assemble on a commercial free and listener supported network. Its provocative hosts speak freely and passionately on intriguing and urgent topics such as health, news, politics, women’s issues, philosophy and more, that directly impact our lives. Progressive Radio Network takes chances. Its voices and ideas are not always welcome by corporate media so PRN is an important outlet for these great thinkers.
PRN is a second home for provocative voices such as Gary Null, Jim Garrison, Michio Kaku, Jim Hightower, Greg Palast, Caryn Hartglass, Mitch Rabin, Michael Toms, Danny Schacter, Richard Martin, James Turner as well as the weekly radio programs of The Nation Magazine (Radio Nation with Laura Flanders), Global Research News Hour, The Wisdom Forum, Free Speech Radio News and many more.
Launched in June 2006, it now boasts a verified listening audience of more than 1 million visitors a month.
Check it out:
I’m so excited for this – it’s right up my alley!