“It was a Friday afternoon and doctors couldn’t read the MRI until Monday, but it looked like it was probably breast cancer. I thought, ‘This can’t be happening to me. I’m such a healthy person and there’s no cancer or tumors in my family.’”
I was 49 at the time, a mom of a five-year-old, leading a thriving adult alternative education company in San Francisco called The Learning Annex. We had expanded to six cities which provided opportunities for people to learn from notable leaders such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Ram Dass. Thankfully, I had learned from them, too.
After consulting with my doctors and surgeons for what was a then-benign but could-become-cancerous schwannoma tumor, a tumor of the nerve sheath which had grown to the size of a tennis ball, their recommendation was a potentially disabling surgery.
I was determined to see if I could first help my body heal itself without drugs or surgery–and I did!
In this article on RebuildingmyHealth.com, I share my journey and the steps I took to restoring my health and to be tumor-free one year later! The doctors said I had experienced a “spontaneous remission,” but in truth it was daily, committed action to leading a toxin-free life that helped me regain my health.
Seeing the powerful transformation of my health and witnessing this radical improvement in the health of others I work with has led me to becoming passionate researcher, consumer advocate and consultant to empower others, like you, with the practical information and tools to create a non-toxic, healthy lifestyle.
I hope my journey and the tips I share in this article will be helpful to you. If you have questions about how you, too, can lead a more toxin-free lifestyle, I’d love to know what they are (submit them here) so I can address them.
To your health,