Your health starts in your home. If you want to get healthy and stay healthy, begin this spring by thinking about eliminating the common environmental toxins in your home.
In my article in The Select 7 online magazine, I share 7 easy ways to get started detoxing your body and your home. Here are two of the tips, then click the button to read all seven:
Tip #1: Choose filtered tap water over bottled. It will have less bacteria and chemical contaminants. Choose glass or stainless steel water containers. Scientists have found the longer a plastic water bottle sits on a shelf, whether in a grocery store or your refrigerator, the higher the risk you’ll consume a greater dose of a chemical called antimony, a potential carcinogen.
Get yourself a great water filter. My all-time favorite water filter is AlkaViva.
Tip #2: Countertop sprays can breed bacteria superbugs. You may think it’s good to use antibacterial soap, antimicrobial wipes and sprays to kill bacteria, but it can backfire and contribute to a drug-resistant-bacteria problem.
Certain types, including those with triclosan and quaternary ammonium compounds, can, if you use them routinely, create drug-resistant bacteria that can enter your body.
Instead, scrub surfaces with cleaners you make yourself with ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and baking soda. Shop smarter next time: Seek cleaning products displaying Green Seal or EcoLogo certification, which means they adhere to certain science-based health and environmental standards.
P.S. Spring is a great time to detox your body and your home. If you would like to get started, check out my Spring 5-Day Detox with Medical Qi Gong and Energy Healing Coach, Eli Cohen, May 6-10, 2019. You will learn to Heal Your Gut with Lifesaving Foods and Easy Mind-Body Practices. And, you will be eating real whole food.
To your health,