I was thrilled to be asked to be one of the 24 World Class Healers to speak at the Miraculous Healing Virtual Summit (Free Registration Required) along with such notables as Bernie S. Siegel, MD – (Love, Medicine and Miracles), C. Norm Shealy – (Blueprint For Holistic Healing), Steven Gundry, MD – (The Plant Paradox), Dr. John Gray – (Beyond Mars and Venus), Acharya Shunya – Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom, David “Avocado” Wolfe – (Longevity Now) and Dr. Tom O’Bryan – (Autoimmune Fix).
Each one of us found an effective approach to healing ourselves during a significant health crisis. Mine was healing myself of a growing and painful chest tumor by systematically learning to avoid toxins I had unknowingly been exposing myself to, though I believed at the time that I ate and lived a healthy lifestyle.
You can listen to my interview beginning Sunday, May 6, 2018:
How I Healed Myself of that Chest Tumor— and,
How You can Avoid Toxins that Impact Your Immune System.
My interview will be available today May 6th for 24 hours. (Each expert’s interview is only available for 24 hours. However, during the last two days of the Summit, May 13 & 14, all interviews will be available to you for free. Access to all sessions of this Summit after May 14 can be purchased. You can also join the Miraculous Healing Summit Facebook group to communicate with other members of this community.
I hope you join us for this Summit. I believe that our bodies are self-healing organisms and that there are different approaches to healing that can be very effective. Understanding these different approaches and learning from our experiences of the power of self-healing can help you not only stay healthy, but also guide you with expertise and hope should you face a health crisis.
Summit Details:
Registration: It’s Free at Miraculous Healing Virtual Summit
The Details: After you Register, you will receive a Welcome Email with important instructions for how to access the Summit and Facebook group.
During this 14–day Summit, two expert interviews will be featured each day. The Schedule of experts and their topics are below. Each expert’s interview will be accessible for 24 hours only until the last two days of the Summit (May 13 and 14) when all interviews will be accessible to you.
The Experts, Topics and Schedule:
Day 1 – Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Meditation, Environment and World Peace
Nyaswamis Jyotish and Devi – Received U.N. Global Peace Award – 11/2017
Donna Belle
Day 2 – Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Choosing Life, Preparing for Departure
Bernie S. Siegel, MD
Holley Kelley
Day 3 – Thursday, May 3, 2018
Touch, Hormones and Relationship Healing
Dr. John Gray
Dr. Erica Goodstone
Day 4 – Friday, May 4, 2018
Gratitude and Self-Healing
Dr. Marilyn Joyce
Brandy Gillmore
Day 5 – Saturday, May 5, 2018
Ayurveda Lifestyle and Neurogenesis Diet
Acharya Shunya
Dr. Brant Cortright
Day 6 – Sunday, May 6, 2018
Longevity Now, Beauty Diet and Super Natural Home
David Wolfe
Beth Greer
Day 7 – Monday, May 7, 2018
Plant Paradox, Raw Food and Emotions
Steven Gundry, MD
Andy Roman
Day 8 – Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Traumatic Brain Injury and Overcoming Pain
C. Norm Shealy
Molly Cain
Day 9 – Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Surviving Trauma, Incarceration and Natural Disasters
Dr. Laurie Nadel
CeCe Expeut
Day 10 – Thursday, May 10, 2018
Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B and Crohns
Johnny Delirious – Hepatitis C, B
Ramsay Mead – Crohns
Day 11 – Friday, May 11, 2018
Autoimmune and Lyme Disease
Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Erin Elizabeth
Day 12 – Saturday, May 12, 2018
Listening, Healing and Business Success
Tyler Watson
Chris Williams
Day 13 – Sunday, May 13, 2018
Day 14 – Monday, May 14, 2018
Day 15 – Summit is Over
*Some of the links on this page are Affiliate Links. Should you purchase a Summit Package, I receive a small commission that helps me cover the costs of this site.