Listen to my June 17th interview on Progressive Radio Network with Dr. Sabrina McCormick, sociologist, documentary filmmaker and author of the new book "No Family History: The Environmental Link to Breast Cancer." … [Read more...] about The Environmental Links to Breast Cancer
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
Honey Laundering
I love honey. I love that it is a natural product that has been around forever. So, I found it upsetting to learn that much of the honey sold in stores is contaminated with antibiotics like Chloramphenicol, which is banned by the FDA. US bee keepers aren’t using antibiotics, but two-thirds of the … [Read more...] about Honey Laundering
Cell Phones and Kids: Not a Safe Combination
Studies from around the world are now being released with some startling news about using cell phones. A Swedish study reports that radio waves from mobile phones penetrate deep into the brain not just around the ear. Researchers found that using your cell phone for 10 years or longer will double … [Read more...] about Cell Phones and Kids: Not a Safe Combination
Making Sense of Scents
If you are buying scented air fresheners and household cleaning products, chances are you are exposing yourself to chemicals that are bad for you. For example, The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) recently found that 12 out of 14 popular air freshener brands contained phthalates, chemicals … [Read more...] about Making Sense of Scents
This Halloween: Know Where Your Chocolate Comes From
Sure the costumes are cute, and the house decorations clever, but let’s face it, for kids, Halloween is all about the candy. If you’re like me, and your kids bring home way too many treats, you might want to consider mailing the chocolate ones back to Nestlé, M&M/Mars and Hershey. Why? Because, … [Read more...] about This Halloween: Know Where Your Chocolate Comes From
Safe Makeup
By the time you walk out the door in the morning, after slathering, and spritzing yourself with toner, moisturizer, eye cream, foundation, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, gloss and perfume, you may have put enough chemicals onto your body to be hazardous to your health. Many of the … [Read more...] about Safe Makeup